I use my pictures with the 10 x 10 mm background squares and the 18 mm dime to help you with sizing.  Most times I try to take pictures both wet and dry, wet will show the colors after polishing and dry should  show most imprefections. 

I eliminate most of the pits and open fractures and I smooth all sides. In the descriptions I will note anything I couldn't remove.  You will get a slab that is going to be easy to finish.  I preform the slabs by sanding and shaping them with 120 to 180 diamond grit.  My preform really helps you cut down the time it takes for finishing slabs.  No waste to deal with..   

If you want to finish the slab(s) look for my post in this blog on how to do it.  

If you  need more  info on any slab send us a note.  Contact us if you have any special requests.  No one has ever returned my slabs but if you need to, my return policy gives you a 100% guarantee, if you don't like the slab you can send it back.  Buyer is responsible for that mailing cost unless it has a problem that is my fault.

r, California.